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Friday, April 27, 2012

Boys Spring Fashion

Boy's clothes are never as cute as girl's, but since I have 2 boys, I've gotten used to picking them out to last. Really, boys don't care what they wear as long as they're comfortable.

I can't resist cute boys clothes...or any cute clothes! You can keep up with more outfits at my Pinterest boards or my Polyvore. If you leave me your Pinterest name and Polyvore name, and I'll be glad to follow you back.


  1. I have 4 boys and I always found cute stuff when they were babies but when they get older its all kind of the same.....pants/shorts with polo shirts. Kind of makes it easy I guess. Girls clothes are always so cute though!!!! Visiting from SITS. Happy Saturday:)

    1. With my 2, I had always bought clothes for the oldest and my youngest would wear them when he grew into them. But now, at 10 and 7, they are almost the same size and interchange clothes all the time. Instead of find cute things, now I look for pants that are thick in the knees, shirts with no tags, and shoes with no laces (since neither one can tie shoes).

  2. I agree, it's so much easier to get cute girly clothing! But that very easily becomes too pink and frilly and that's also not a great idea. I saw on pinterest that, with a little bit of effort, you can get really cool outfits for boys. But I think, like you say, comfort should come first.

    Visiting via SITS Sharefest :)

    1. I have seen those on Pinterest...but I guess it's too much trouble for me. I will however, give one of the boys a hand-me-down from their sister if I think we can get away with it! LOL

  3. I love looking at cute boys stuff too since I have (almost 2, #2 due any day). I do find myself sometimes looking longingly at little girls' things!

    Great choices there!

    1. me too, but I'm not about to start over! Knowing my luck, I would just have another boy! LOL
