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Thursday, November 12, 2009

A new washer?

So today I restarted my blog for the main reason of winning a new washer/dryer...or other Frigidaire appliances. I heard about the contest on www.blondemomblog.com and knew I just had to enter it. Why you might ask? Let me tell you about my washer...

When we moved to our house 4 1/2 years ago, we decided to buy a brand new washer and dryer. At the time, the Whirlpool Duet washer was considered top of the line. We did our research, we compared it against the Kenmore and other appliances at Sears. In the end, we choose the Whirlpool. I have regretted it ever since!

The problems started out slowly. An occasional fault where we would simply cancel out the wash and restart it. No problem, right? As time progressed, so did the number of faults. And of course, there was the time that a whole load of wash sat in the full washer (including the stinky water!) for over a week before Sears and the warranty program would approve a repairman. That was one of the nastiest smells I have ever smelled. The problem in that case was a sock that was sucked between the tub and the inside wall of the washer. Anyway, after that almost every load of laundry we did ended up faulting out!

On a side note, let me say that with three kids, I have a lot of laundry!! My youngest sometimes will go through 3 or 4 outfits a day! Plus, with potty training at that time and now still having some accidents at night, my youngest is constantly needing underwear, sheets, lovies, etc. washed! That doesn't work too well when you have to keep restarting the load every 30 minutes, or sometimes immediately after you start it!!

If I was lucky enough to win this contest, just think of the possibilities...I might find that shirt that's been gone forever into the laundry basket or a pile somewhere or another. I might have real matching pillowcases that actually match the sheets on my bed! And best of all, I won't have to dry myself off after a shower with a towel that smells like it's been sitting in stinky washer water!!

Now THAT would be the life!!

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