Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Empire State of Mind

 For Wordless Wednesday, I'm posting some pictures of a trip we took to NYC last year. This was for Lindsey's 14th birthday...all she wanted was to see a Broadway show. The Hubs and I took her alone for 4 activity packed days to NYC. It may have been her best birthday ever!

Grand Central Station
I was waiting for the flash mob to start any minute!
The Empire State Building...we never got to go up because of the lines
St. Patrick's Cathedral
This is what we came for...Wicked on Broadway
the awesome view of Time Square from one of our hotel rooms
Another awesome view of NYC from yet another hotel room

Lindsey loved her trip and we still want to go back. I was sick the whole time with double ear infections, bronchitis and strep throat...but that wasn't going to stop me. Through the freezing rain and cold of that trip, we tried to see everything there is to see. There is no way to see everything, but we loved it. Now I just want to go back when I'm NOT sick so I can really enjoy it!


  1. What a wonderful way to spend a birthday! Great photos! :)

  2. Love that second picture of the Radio City sign! Also, how was the musical? I read the book and considering how adult and dark it was I couldn’t believe when I heard it was a musical for kids. I’m really interested in going to see it. Did you guys enjoy it?

    1. I have not read the book, but my daughter did (I had no idea it was R-rated!)...she says the musical is much more innocent. I barely remember it because I was on so many meds trying to get better, but even not knowing anything about the storyline, I really enjoyed it. If I'm not mistaken, when they do the matinees on the weekends, they leave out anything bad...but I don't remember even a bad word and there was really no violence. I guess middle school age and older would be the right age, in order to get into the story of it.

  3. Thank you for linking up! Following your blog back now :)
    ~Shannon @ mommy of One and Counting
