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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Gifts

I am on the PTA Board and part of the Hospitality Committee at my boy's school. Every month, we try to give the teachers and staff members small gifts to show our appreciation for everything they do for our kids. I just finished making the gift bags for January and I thought I'd share them.

Tomorrow we are starting our 3rd quarter for the year. It gotten fairly cold, at least for North Carolina, so we decided that we would give each staff member a packet of hot chocolate mix, and 2 cookies. We wanted to package them in coffee cups, but were unable to secure a donor.

When we do things like this in the PTA, parent donations are vital. We had parents donate the cookies, and a couple of boxes of the hot chocolate mix. Luckily, we already had some hot chocolate mix and out of our small budget for Hospitality, we bought bags and labels to print.

The teachers and other staff members appreciate little tokens like this. We chose tomorrow to hand these gifts out because we want them to start the new quarter realizing how much the parents appreciate them. Most of the time, they don't care how things are packaged, whether or not they look designer, and they definitely don't expect parents to spend a lot of money of them. Just a little note of thanks every once in a while does wonders for a teachers outlook on the day.

Here are some more ideas for Teacher Appreciation if you'd like to use any. I'd love to see some of your ideas!


  1. I've always loved activities or events that make teachers feel that their hard work is appreciated! Probably because my mom is a teacher and I know how much work and emotional investment she puts in her job as a teacher of young minds that need to be molded. I salute you for spearheading something like this! Stopping by from the WBC CommentLuv bloghop! Thanks for visiting my site too! :)

    1. Both my parents were teachers...my mom taught elementary school, and my dad taught at a local university. When I was pregnant with my 2nd child, I was going back to school to get my teaching degree. At the time, I worked at a daycare while I went to school at night. Parents rarely acknowledged even the fact that we took care of their child, much less, teach them something. So when my kids got to school, I made sure each teacher they had felt appreciated...especially the teachers and tutors for my middle child. He has Asperger's and does require a teacher that is truly made for him and each of his tutors go above and beyond for him. We are quite lucky! Now we're trying to plan for Valentine's Day and maybe a special something for March Madness! :-)

  2. Stopping by to show some love from WBC commentLuv blog Hop. http://kati-saves.blogspot.com/
    I bow down to teachers. Its a tough job and one I could never do.

  3. Sweet idea. You must be on the west side of NC. I'm on the east. I've been calling this a fake winter. I actually had to turn the AC on the car to cool it off for a second. Then I said, "Duh" and let the windows down. ;-) Visiting from WBC today.

  4. I'm actually right in the middle of the state. And even though it's been a little cooler, I'm still wearing flip-flops and short shleeve shirts! LOL

  5. Thanks for linking up. It is so important to appreciate teachers!

  6. Small "blog" world. I've commented on this one before. So with Valentines Day coming up next week, I am so glad to run across this one again. I will definitely be using this next week for my son's teachers.

