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Monday, April 30, 2012

What's for Supper?

Back to a regular week for us...I'm finished working, the Hubs is away for work, and we are on our regular, weekly routine. So, I guess I need to plan out some meals for dinner, right?

  • Monday: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans
  • Tuesday: Homemade pizza, salad
  • Wednesday: Homemade hamburger with mac'n'cheese casserole
  • Thursday: Beef n'Broccoli Stir Fry
  • Pancakes and sausage
So there it is, short and simple. Some days might get mixed up, but that's going to be our basic menu for the week. What are you having?

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  1. Baby...Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are leftovers of the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday meals I cooked...that's cheating! ;) I Love You and Miss You! <3

    1. Shh! You're not supposed to tell! Anyway, I readily admit that I don't cook a thing...but I'm wonderful at warming things up! :-)

  2. Great ideas Following from the 99% hop. http://mommaof3-littlebits.blogspot.com/

